The Hypno Energeticians
The Hypno Energeticians
The Hypno Energeticians
back to chakraEARTH HAPPY
list of others Malfunctions possible
Liste très détaillée mais non exhaustive !
Acné, Addiction, Alcoolisme, Appendice, Appareil Urinaire, Argent travail, Autonomie
Bassin, Bile, Bruleur de graisse,
Cannabis, Candidats Albicans + Immunité + Candidose, Cancer, Capacités, Cholestérol, Cœur, Cohésion sociale, Colon, Confiance, Constipation chroniques, Content, Corps Émotionnel, Créativité, Cystites à répétition,
Désirs, Diarrhée, Dos - D11 & D12, Douleurs Hanches, Drogues, Digestion, Eau élément (rétention), Emotions, Emprise, Endocrines, Énergie créatrice, Energie manifestée, Energie persévérance, Energie sexuelle, Estime de Soi, Expériences 7 à 14 ans
Fatigue, Fibromes, Flatulence gaz, Force
Glaires vaginales, Glandes, Gluten, Goût, Graisse du ventre, Gynécologique Troubles
Hanches, Hormones, Hypertension,
Impuissance, Indépendances, Infection vaginales, Infertilité, Influences, Insecticides, Intestins
Jambes Lourdes, Joie
Lait, Lâcher prise, Larmes, liquide céphalo-rachidien, Lombaires, Lymphe détoxification
Ménopause, Motivation (manque),
Obéissance au groupe, Œstrogène, Organes, Ovaires douleurs
Persévérance, Pesticides, Peurs, Pieds froids, Poids excés de, Pouvoir personnel, Progestérone, Psychologique,
Règles douloureuses, Reins, Relation Humaine, Relations Argent, Rhumatisme, Sacrum S3, Sang, Satisfaction, Sentiments, Sexualité, Sciatique, Sommeil, Sperme, Spiritualité, Sternum, Sucs gastrique, Sueur, Survie,
Testicules, Testostérone, Troubles Gynécologiques
Urinaire troubles, Utérins problèmes,
Vagin (glaires) problèmes, Varices, Ventre bruleur de graisse, Vessie, Vitalité
Thischakra Sacredis the centerofsexual energyand reproduction, but also that ofpower in the human relationships and relationships with others whetheraffectiveWheresexual.
It is the chakra of association. He will teach us everything related to sexuality, work, material desire.
It is the center ofpleasurable inclinationsfor food, drink and material comforts.
Those whose energy is focused in this chakra will be drawn to sensual experiences and pleasures.
He's theresource of vitality of the etheric body and governs sexuality and conception as well as love/hate relationship.
To transcend this chakra is to ignore all that one loves and dislikes in order to be able to consider all things as parts of a whole..
In women, it goes to the right, showing greater energy in the expression of feelings, and in men, it turns to the left, leaning towards receptivity, or even, towards attitude. passive.
• AV: just above the pubic bone
• AR: sacrum (S3)
• Sexuality, desires
• Stimulates physical, artistic and sexual creativity
• Relationships with money and work
• Vitality
Connections :
• Affective
• Life experiences from 7 to 14 years old.
• Anything that gives the impression of exerting a hold on our authority, around us.
• Feelings of blame, power, control
• Money, sex, creativity
• Emotional
• Gonads (ovaries, testicles)
• Estrogen
• Progesterone
• Testosterone
• Ovaries and testicles, in their endocrine part (secretion of Testosterone hormones).
• Kidneys, colon, appendix, bladder, urinary system.
• Lumbar vertebrae, pelvis, sacrum and hips (excluding bones).
• Fluids: bile, water, vaginal mucus, milk, lymph, blood, semen, urine, tears, sweat, cerebrospinal fluid.
Meaning :
• Taste
• He will make us learn everything related to sexuality, work, material desire.
• The gentle energy of this chakra will diffuse from the age of 7. At this age, the child begins to individualize, develop bonds and begins to choose.
Strength :
• Energy, perseverance
• Ability to support oneself
• Ability to defend and protect oneself
• Ability to take risks
• Ability to fight or flee
• Ability to mourn a loved one and get back to living
• Ability to recover from financial losses
• Ability to rebel and start over
• Ability to make personal or professional decisions
• Resistance required to do so
Energy form:
• Liquid
Creative energy:
• Associated with questions of physical survival
– sex
– power
– money
– relations
• Seat of desire and the ability to give life
• If the creative energy is blocked, it will lead to impotence, infertility, vaginal infections, endometriosis, depression.
Manifested Energy:
• It helps to develop personal identity and defense mechanisms, facing the outside world and the attractions of this outside world:
– silver
– drink
– sex
– drugs
• It allows to develop:
– self-sufficiency
– self-esteem
– sexual energy
– creativity
– the feeling of belonging to a group
– all experiences from 8 to 14 years old
Psychological influences:
• Power of human relationships
• Connecting with others, whether affective or sexual.
• The energy of the 2nd chakra moves from an attitude of obedience with the exploration of relationships with others, to satisfy our personal and material needs.
• If there is an imbalance, this chakra will be masked
• If this chakra is balanced, we will be in harmony with ourselves, with sex.
• Self-esteem and self-confidence, creativity
• Healthy attitudes about sex
• State of satisfaction
Essential oils :
• Lunar water (for women, except pregnant, menstruating women)
• Ylang Ylang (for women)
• Jasmine (for women)
• Lavender (for everyone – calming, soothing)
• Sandalwood (for everyone – calming, soothing)
The ailments due to this chakra are activated by the fear of loss of control.
• Cancer (prostate, ovaries)
• Chronic pain in the hips
• Fibroids
• Menopause (which accompanies the fact of menopause: heat, pain, etc.)
• Rheumatism
• Sacrum
• Sciatica
• Gynecological disorders
• Urinary disorders
• Fear of losing self-control
• Fear of being dominated by someone else
• Fear of losing control
• Fear of rape
• Fear of being betrayed
• Fear of impotence (at all levels)
• Fear of a lack of self-confidence
• Fear of abandonment
• Fear of losing physical strength
spiritual aspect :
• Awareness of the energy of the sacral chakra allows us to transform the vital energies provided by the base chakra into an energy of creation
Food :………… Liquids
Summary table to downloadHERE.
Color : Orange
Right: To feel
Element: Water
Mantra : Vam
Metal : Tin
• Citrine
• Coral
• Carnelian
Keyword : I smell
Note: D
Planet : Moon
Balanced Sacral Chakra:
You are in touch with your emotions and you trust others..
Weak or blocked sacral chakra:
Blockages due to an education that was too rigid or too prudish which forbade, concealed or distorted the theme of sexual relations. Tendencies to shyness, lack of self-assurance, lack of naturalness, compensatory behaviors, withdrawal, onanism. Coldness, refusal of sexual intercourse, touching and caressing, frigidity, helplessness, fear of others, drowsiness of emotions, little taste for life.
Overdeveloped Sacral Chakra:
Blockages due to an education that was too rigid or too prudish which forbade, concealed or distorted the theme of sexual relations. Tendencies to shyness, lack of self-assurance, lack of naturalness, compensatory behaviors, withdrawal, onanism. Coldness, refusal of sexual intercourse, touching and caressing, frigidity, helplessness, fear of others, drowsiness of emotions, little taste for life.
Information provided by:
Jean Paul Thouny
Energy therapist, trainer - Voiron (Isère) France
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