The Hypno Energeticians
The Hypno Energeticians
The Hypno Energeticians

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Liste d'autres Dysfonctionnements possibles

Liste très détaillée mais non exhaustive !
Addiction, Affectif renforcement liens, Arrogance mépris des autres, Apprentissage difficile 100% cerveau, Audition
Blocages mentaux,
Candidats Albicans + immunité, Cécité Pblms de Vue, Centrage, Cerveau 100%, Changements karmique, Clairvoyance, Colonne Occiput, Complexe infériorité, Complexe de supériorité intellectuelle, Comportement du mouton, Confusion entre l'Ego et Moi supérieur, Concentration mentale, Conscience de soi , Corps rejet du corps, Corps flottants, Cosmique Lien, Curiosité (Manque)
Désintéressement, Détachement, Discernement des émotions, Dyslexie,
Endocrines, Épilepsies, Équilibre intérieur Centrage,
Glande Pituitaire,
Hypophyse, Hormones Vasopressine, Hypersensible au regard des autres, Hypophyse
Imagination, Incapacité à douter, Incapacité à l'intellectualisation, Intellectualisation excessive, Intelligence Émotionnelle, Intuition
Mémoire, Mental, Métal Argent, Moelle Épinière, Myopie
Nerfs (Système) Autonome, Nerfs Vague Occiput base de la tête colonne
Œil gauche, Ouverture d'Esprit Personnalité (manque),
Peurs, Pituitaire,
Raisonnement de l'Esprit, Relationnel social difficile, Rêves conscients
Sinus, Sommeil, Spirituel parvenir à la sagesse, Surdité
Troubles Neurologiques, Tumeurs cérébrales
Vasopressine Hormones, Vérité (détenir la), Vue problèmes
It is from the 6th chakra thatyoupass on intuitionto the lower chakras. This is why Ajna is called the third eye, theeye of intuition. He is the linkbetween our higher consciousness and the egoand between higher brain faculties and instinctive brain functions.
linked to the mind, this chakra is represented with two petals which are connected to the right and left lobes of the pituitary gland and are also attached to the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
The right hemisphere is the seat of theintuition,the left is the seat of intelligence. Here takes place the celestial marriage of the sun and the moon, resulting in the opening of the third œit and evolved sixth sense. The three main nadis, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, unite here before ascending to the crown chakra.
• AV: on the forehead, between the 2 eyebrows
• Rear: occiput
• Self reflection
• Clairvoyance
• Inner balance
• Imagination
• Intuition
Connections :
• Related to life experiences from 35 to 42 years old
• To the cosmos
• Atmic (divine vitality)
• Pituitary/hypophysis
• Vasopressin
• Learn to listen to your inner guide
• The faculties of the 3rd eye are improved by meditation. During meditation, the Pineal and Pituitary glands will emit a ray of energy which will meet at the 3rd eye.
• Can lead to intuition and wisdom
• Its action is linked to our emotional intelligence
Meaning :
• Divine Vitality
• Learn to listen to your inner guide
• The faculties of the 3rd eye are improved by meditation.
Durantmeditation, the Pineal and Pituitary glands go
issue aray of energy that will meet at the 3rd eye.
• Can lead to intuition and wisdom
• Its action is linked to our emotional intelligence
Strength :
• Know how to distinguish thoughts guided by force and those formed
by fear and illusion.
Energy form:
• Luminescence
Creative energy:
• Faculty of Mind and Reasoning
• Skills in using our beliefs and attitudes. An attitude is always the result of a belief.
Energy manifested:
• The 6th chakra will help us open our mind and access detachment.
Psychological influences:
• Ability to see clearly into the hole of our emotions.
• This chakra is linked to the affective and the mental.
Essential oils :
• White spruce (for everyone)
• Lavender (for everyone – calming, soothing)
• Peppermint (for everyone)
• Rosemary (for everyone)
• Learning difficulties
• Dyslexia
• Epilepsy
• Spinal cord
• Problems of blindness
• Neurological disorders
• Brain tumors
• Fear of delving into one's own fears
• Fear of relying on the advice of others
• Fear of judgment
Spiritual aspect:
• The objective with this chakra is to achieve la
wisdom through life experiences, by
the faculty of discernment, which allows the
Food :…………Entheogens
Summary table to downloadHERE.
Color: Indigo
Right: To see
Element: Light
Mantra: Om
Metal: Silver
• Lapis-lazuli
• Quartz
• Sapphire
Keyword : I see
Note: LA
Planet: Jupiter and Neptune
Balanced 3rd Eye Chakra:
Detachment from material possessions, fear of death disappears, gift of telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance, access to past lives.
3rd Eye Chakra weak or blocked:
Oversensitive to the feelings of others, insecure and
unable to distinguish the ego from the Higher Self.
Inability to intellectualize, lack of interest in
cultures, knowledge, sciences, lack of
Rejection of spirituality, rational mind to
excess, extreme attachment to material things
and physical pleasures.
Lack of intuition and
extrasensory perceptions. Inferiority complex,
“sheep” behavior in society, membership
ready-made ideas, prejudices, lack of
personality, critical thinking, character and
Ifree arbiter.
Overdeveloped 3rd Eye Chakra:
Proud, religiously dogmatic, manipulative and egotistical. Tendency to excessive intellectualization of the lesser thing; conversely, tendencies towards mysticism and too marked irrationality with, in both cases, un unconscious rejection of the body, material things and pleasure.
Intellectual superiority complex, contempt for others, arrogance. Rejection of daily life, material goods, inability to have normal social relations, dominating tendencies in the field of spirituality, certainty of holding the Truth, incapacity to doubt.
Information provided:
Jean Paul Thouny
Energy therapist, trainer - Voiron (Isère) France
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