The Hypno Energeticians
The Hypno Energeticians
The Hypno Energeticians

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The SOUND the Medicine of Tomorrow from Today
Have you ever had chills watching an artist 's performance ? Beyond making our hairs stand on end by putting us in motion, music makes our whole body vibrate in each of our dimensions . It awakens our deepest memory . It shakes our thoughts , our emotions , our energies … In short, our whole being down to our cellular structure.
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Effects on the psychic body
Depending on their use, sounds activate certain brain areas and induce different states of consciousness. Brain electrical activity is measured in Hertzian frequencies:
- beta waves = 14 Hz to 35 Hz = presence in common daily activities;
- alpha waves = 8 to 13 Hz = calm and relaxation;
- theta waves = from 7 to 4 Hz = deep relaxation, sleep with dreams, hypnotic trance, state attainable in meditation also;
- delta waves = from 3 to 0.5 Hz = higher transcendental states, deep sleep without dreams, deep comas, "Pure Consciousness".
There is also talk of gamma waves above 35 Hz which would correspond to a strong activity of the brain when the intellect is very solicited, in particular in the event of hyperconcentration and intense creativity.
During shamanic journeys, the repetitive sound of the drum influences our brain waves to reach altered states of consciousness similar to what we have just mentioned. Similarly, sound baths using Tibetan bowls or other musical instruments also have this ability.
Beyond deep relaxation, the state of consciousness that corresponds to the theta zones allows the body to deeply regenerate at a remarkable speed. It would seem that 30 to 60 minutes in a hypnotic trance would correspond to the recovery of 3 hours of sleep. In this state of hypnosis, our being is very permeable to surrounding energies and suggestions. It is therefore important to take care of the environment in which we sleep.
The modified states of consciousness, the relaxation of tensions and the fluidification of the circulation of energy can allow: emotional releases (laughter, tears, anger…), revelations, as well as reminiscences.
Effects on the energy body
Always thanks to the vibrations, the sounds put in circulation all the particles of our body. The exchanges are thus fluidized, what must be evacuated is released. What needs to be nourished is also. The whole of our being finds a harmonious “structure”. Our energy particles are refocused, aligned for optimal functioning of our entire metabolism. Our whole body (energetic) becomes denser by filling up with vital energy.
Effects on the spiritual body
By concentrating on the vibrations, in this expectation of discovering the next note, we divert our attention from what does not fundamentally define us (the thoughts of the mind, for example), and access something greater that is beyond us and which is in each of us . Sound thus helps us to access higher dimensions of being.
The " OM ", which the monks recite, would correspond to the " primordial sound ". That is, the sound that is present in everything . If we position ourselves several hundred meters from a stadium where the spectators are doing the "Ola", the sound perceived must be the "OM". It would correspond to the sound of the Big-Bang , from which everything would have been created.
When we recite the sound OM (“YYYY-OUUUU-MMMM”), we connect with our essence, the original vibration that precedes all life on Earth and is present in all that exists.
In other words, the Source.