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-     NATURE     -
Medicinal plants , Minerals ,
Water sources healing…

 These frequencies harmonize the biosphere and raise  the vibratory field at "a higher level" 
  This has the effect of restoring health and maintaining it because disease
Where  rather "the evil said" is always the result
of a lower vibrational state to the original one! 

  " ANTIPARASITIC " _     


FREE  to all who have took the " ACCESS " to Musical repertoire or during the ordered of the Scalar Wave DETOXIFICATION  

  Decontaminates of all parasitic organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, worms etc .


It raises the vibrational frequency of the organism to a higher level and creates an informational field that makes survival impossible . to all pests .

Viruses being _ eliminated , cancer cells stop their development. It reinforces immunity , increases energy , rebalances the aura and provides protection effective against electromagnetic pollution.

In association with " DETOXIFICATION", it cleans in depth the organism and balances the acid-base of the body .

At the origin of serious diseases such as cancer or autoimmune diseases and also many disabling pathologies , it has been shown that the cause in 60 to 100% of cases is the presence in the body of viruses and other pests.

He installs an informational field in which no parasite can survive. It also protects us from re-infestation if used regularly.

The elimination of viruses makes it possible to stop the growth of cancer cells.


  • Regulates the intestinal microflora  

  • Restore _ and reinforces human immune system  

  • Improves cerebral blood circulation  

  • Standardized _ the biological rhythms of the brain, the central nervous system and a series of organs  endocrine _ the organism  

  • Protects _ electromagnetic pollution man  

  • increases _ resistance to negative environmental factors  

  • Associated with No. 2, it balances the body 's acid-base  

  • To improve morale _  

  • increases _ resistance and adaptability of people to negative factors in their environment  

  • R ecommended for the anti-parasitic care of cats and dogs… (pets) 

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  " DETOXIFICATION " & E limination of Dead P arasites " 

DETOXIFICATION is the complement perfect by ANTIPARASITIC because it eliminates dead parasites as well as toxins and all body waste .

It detoxifies the liver and cleans the intestines. He corrected the functioning of the urogenital system and the kidneys. It contributes the disappearance of edema and tumors.

He reinforces the immune system, regulates _ metabolism , improves morale , relieves _ pain of any kind ,

He increases people 's endurance and adaptability to adverse environmental factors.…

PEST CONTROL &  DETOXIFICATION are used in synergy balance the acid-base of the body. They are one essential basis for a cleaning full body. They allow to optimize _ general results and are essential in the treatment of serious diseases, such as cancers or any other serious or chronic pathologies.

Perfectly complementary , they are also precious for the whole family including our animals (dogs and cats), because they are effective on a wide range of health problems and contribute effective protection for the whole family.  


  • depurative _  

  • R egenerates the body 's natural detoxification system  

  • P urifies the lymphatic system  

  • Cleans the liver and intestines _  

  • Strengthen _ the immune system  

  • Regulates _ metabolism _  

  • Corrects _ the functioning of the uro-genital system (including the kidneys )  

  • C ontribute to the decrease , even disappearance of edema and tumors  

  • Protects _ against the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields  

  • increases _ the stamina _ and adaptability people with adverse environmental factors  

  • To improve the moral  


00:00 / 03:33

The "Women & "MEN" frequencies have a similar action, but take into account the difference in hormonal characteristics in men and women .


the  n° 4 has a regulating action from H ormonal system _ and E ndocrine in man. It balances male energy .

He developed his endurance to exercise. He increases the level of testosterone. The man is more dynamic, creative, he regains good humor, confidence and energy. He feels rejuvenated and regains power and muscle mass while losing excess fat. The body exchange in size and volume within 3 to 6 months but the weight does not change.

He acts on all the organs of the reproductive system and promotes thus the development of sexual relations in the couple.

Contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system, inhibits the development of cancer, improves cerebral blood circulation , maintains the acid-base balance of the body and normalizes the activity of hormones and enzymes in the body. He gives assurance and vigour, but also more in a good mood and balancing _ masculine energy, allows a better relationship with the female partner.


  • burns _ excess fat _ _ in the body  

  • Even if the person does not lose much weight , he changes in size , because the volume of his body is reduced significantly. The main advantage of No. 4 is that it  allows you to naturally eliminate excess fat, and thanks to the production of testosterone , the body replaces the lost fat with new muscle mass  

  • Standardized _ the biological rhythms of the brain , the central nervous system and all the internal organs  

  • Protects _ the man of the diseases of the sexual organs  

  • Strengthen man 's adaptability to adverse external effects to the human body  

  • Harmonizes the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain. Active creativity , concentration and stress management . _ _ Allow a better and fairer understanding of situations as well as a better relationship  

  • P rocure greater efficiency _ in the workplace and better relationships in the affective domain  

  • the #4 maybe recommended to people who practice meditation _  

  • Protects _ against the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields ( mobile phones , computers , wifi )  

  • Protects _ against the harmful effects of geo - pathogenic and psychopathogenic zones… 

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00:00 / 03:33

Nos . 3 and 4 have a similar action but take into account the difference in hormonal characteristics in men and women .


This frequency has a regulating action from H ormonal system _ and E ndocrine in man. It balances male energy .

He developed his endurance to exercise. He increases the level of testosterone. The man is more dynamic, creative, he regains good humor, confidence and energy. He feels rejuvenated and regains power and muscle mass while losing excess fat. The body exchange in size and volume within 3 to 6 months but the weight does not change.

He acts on all the organs of the reproductive system and promotes thus the development of sexual relations in the couple.

Contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system, inhibits the development of cancer, improves cerebral blood circulation , maintains the acid-base balance of the body and normalizes the activity of hormones and enzymes in the body. He gives assurance and vigour, but also more in a good mood and balancing _ masculine energy, allows a better relationship with the female partner.


  • burns _ excess fat _ _ in the body  

  • Even if the person does not lose much weight , he changes in size , because the volume of his body is reduced significantly. The main advantage of No. 4 is that it  allows you to naturally eliminate excess fat, and thanks to the production of testosterone , the body replaces the lost fat with new muscle mass  

  • Standardized _ the biological rhythms of the brain , the central nervous system and all the internal organs  

  • Protects _ the man of the diseases of the sexual organs  

  • Strengthen man 's adaptability to adverse external effects to the human body  

  • Harmonizes the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain. Active creativity , concentration and stress management . _ _ Allow a better and fairer understanding of situations as well as a better relationship  

  • P rocure greater efficiency _ in work and better relationships in the affective domain;

  • the #4 maybe recommended to people who practice meditation _  

  • Protects _ against the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields ( mobile phones , computers , wifi )  

  • Protects _ against the harmful effects of geo - pathogenic and psychopathogenic zones… 

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acts on general detoxification ( liver , kidneys , pancreas ) and fights addiction ( sugar , nicotine , alcohol )  

Realized cell regeneration. Also acts on the broncho-pulmonary system .

Promotes elimination _ _ heavy metals . This is especially the case for Anti-addiction who cleans the blood  and the  lymph in depth. Designed to accelerate the recovery process of the liver and bile ducts , it stimulates the antitoxic function of the liver and kidneys . The scientists are formal: the Blue frequency n° 5 favors the elimination of the heavy metals present in our organism. We are all more or less concerned by this problem because heavy metal poisoning has taken on major importance for public health today. More and more of us are trying to eliminate these poisons from our body.

It also helps us to get out of addictions such as sugar , alcohol , tobacco , drugs ...


  • S timulates the antitoxic function of the liver and kidneys  

  • Accelerates _ the recovery process of the liver and bile ducts  

  • favors _ purification of blood and lymph _  

  • Favors the elimination of heavy metals ;

  • Normalizes the functioning of the bile ducts, gallbladder and digestive system  

  • fight against diabetes _  

  • R ecommended in case of hepatitis , cirrhosis or other liver problems  

  • R ecommended in case of problems of the gastrointestinal tract  

  • R ecommended in case of bronchopulmonary diseases ( angina , bronchitis , pneumonia , asthma , tuberculosis )  

  • Develops the natural version against toxic addictions ( sugar , alcohol , tobacco , drugs )  

  • R ecommended people with a chronic illness or recovering from a long illness and heavy treatments ( anesthesia , _ chemotherapy )  

  • care _ the skin ( psoriasis , eczema , etc. )  

  • Combined _ with No. 1 and No. 2 it ensures a deep and complete cleansing of the whole organism… 

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  " BEAUTY - YOUTH "  

BEAUTY and YOUTH formula , developed for night use.

The n°8 contributes to improve sleep , favors the renewal of cells of the epidermis and therefore, rejuvenation during the night .

Stimulates the synthesis of melatonin , and of the epiphysis , the organ of neuro - vegetative control which regulates the functions of the whole organism , contributes the quality of sleep and the rejuvenation of the body.


It emits a very powerful universal field which acts in the organization of all psychic and physical systems . Indicated _ for meditation, to promote clear ideas and intuitive impulses.

The activity of the epiphysis , pituitary and hypothalamus, regulates balance _ of all functions  of the organism . The hypothalamus is our old brain which keeps the information of all our previous incarnations . The pituitary is an internal computer that regulates all of our body 's actions , and the epiphysis is responsible the proper functioning of our endocrine system...

In case of dysfunction, the organism does not receive the right information and the hormones are not well secreted. Number 8 allows you to restore and to maintain the proper functioning of these glands and regions of the brain.


  • To improve sleep _  

  • S timulates the function of the epiphysis  

  • S timulates the synthesis of hormones including melatonin and thyroxine (thyroid hormone) during sleep  

  • increases _ the effectiveness of night creams _  

  • Promotes the renewal of epidermal cells _ _  

  • Gives back health , youth and beauty to the skin;

  • Upon awakening, the face is " Plumped ", relaxed , smoothed and fed in depth. The complexion is radiant  

  • Includes _ Dihydro - quercetin information  (returns health to the skin)  

  • S timulates growth hormone . _ It is recommended in case of growth retardation and for premature children  

  • P olarization of water from the Karaganka River in Russia , known for its rejuvenating powers

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Intended to enhance the effects of cosmetic products used to cleanse the skin, regardless of the type of  skin and age of the person: cleansing lotions, cleansing waters, scrubs, etc.

This frequency cleans and regenerates skin cells . It stimulates the production of collagen and acid  hyaluronic. 

He  allows a powerful action of detoxification of the skin and regeneration of the microflora. 

Supports the restoration of optimal coverage of essential nutrients. 

It regulates the level of cutaneous humidity and prevents aging of the skin. 

Recommended in case of articular or cardiovascular diseases , it provides an anti-inflammatory and  healing…  


  • Cleanses , hydrates and deeply nourishes the skin, brightens the complexion 

  • R egulates the water content of the tissues and prevents the skin from drying out provided you follow the  recommendations as to the amount of water consumed 

  • Normalizes micro -circulation in the body 

  • Harmonizes the operation of adrenal glands 

  • C ontributes to the restoration of sight in case of cataract thanks to the improvement of the quality of the acid  hyaluronic of the vitreous body of the eye (structuring eye drops) 

  • P roduces anti -inflammatory , calming and healing effects, decreases skin irritation 

  • Eliminates slight skin pigmentations (whitening) 

  • Stimulates collagen production , prevents skin aging and prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles 

  • Stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid , thereby exerting effects positive on all connective tissues,  including cartilage tissue for greater skin elasticity.  

This energy treatment contains the polarization of water activated on the small spiral of the Mountain of Love  (Arkaim, Ural region, Russia), as well as the following polarized images  : hyaluronic acid, stearic acid ,  vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) , alpha hydroxy acids (or AHA) , jojoba oil , vitamin A (retinol) , extract  of brown seaweed , Aloe Vera .  

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Accelerates healing after surgery and allows rapid welding of bones during a fracture.

It regenerates the skin , nourishes it , firms it , smoothes it, and associated with  " Skin Beauty"  and  "Youth Beauty"  and  it allows the rejuvenation of the skin and contributes to the tightening of pores.

  Combined with frequencies  "Antiparasitic"  and  "Detoxification" , it solves skin problems and regenerates it in depth ( psoriasis ). Allows rejuvenation because it restores poptosis (genetic cellular program of self-destruction).

Provides protection against radioactive waves , promotes the elimination of heavy metals , reinforces the veins, blood vessels and muscles of the heart and eyes…


  • R econstitution of the composition of the skin 

  • Tightens skin cells 

  • Helps deep penetration into the skin of care products ( nutritive creams, serum, oil);

  • Lightening of pigmentation spots 

  • Beautifies and strengthens hair and nails 

  • Helps maintain bone health _ 

  • Accelerates wound healing , bone and tissue regeneration after fracture or surgery 

  • Favors the smoothing of wrinkles and the firming of sagging skin 

  • Strengthen _ joints , heart and eye muscles 

  • Strengthen _ veins and blood vessels 

  • Favors the reduction and progressive disappearance of tumors 

  • Reduces and relieves oedemas _ 

  • Protects against radioactive waves 

  • Favors the elimination of heavy metals 

  • C ontains cordyceps fungus polarization 

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? ? ?

  The Specials 

-   EARTH / SKY  -
  Cosmos-telluric high places 
  Where "  places of strength  » 


-   COSMOS    -
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Ondes Scalaires
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