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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


Music at THERAPIES - Fever of notes

life _ without music

is simply an error ,

a fatigue ,

an exile


Hello & Thank you

to you who is coming

from t ' Subscribe !!!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

If you have not received, or do not read the instruction email that is sent to all those who subscribe, access to the Free download of my Frequential assemblies ,

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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


The music “speaks” for us, speaks to us, does it speak to us as well?
From our memory, our experiences, our education,,,?

According to Y. Menuhin (1979 The music of man), music is our oldest form of expression, preceding language and art.

It starts with the voice and with our overwhelming desire to reach out to others. Indeed, the music represents the man much more than the words (…).

Music touches our feelings more deeply than most words do, and it makes us respond with our whole being. I need music, I think, as much as we need each other."  

"Music is organized human sound" according to John Blacking, ethnomusicologist.

This definition underlines the close links between man and music, between man and his music. She highlights the major role of personal and cultural coloring in her perception and creation.


Moreover, the boundary between language and music, as we understand it, does not exist in some cultures.

So everyone loves their music and in music therapy we very often rely on the tastes or the universe of the people followed, but not only.

It is in this sense that it can be therapeutic

Listening to our music makes us feel good, but it is not "therapeutic" in itself.

Music therapy is part of an ancestral healing art that existed long before modern and “scientific” medicine. The presence and place of the practitioner was important at the same level as the music. The importance of the human relationship is still today, I am sure, essential in our practice.

Today neuroscience research validates the scientific interest at the biochemical and neurophysiological level of all these practices of traditional healers who used rhythms, incantations, music and sound universes in the context of the administration of potions or plants. Music therapy, resulting from this knowledge, is perfectly adapted to our world and continues this uninterrupted dialogue between art and humanity.

In hospitals currently, music is used as a therapeutic ally in the management of pain, a multidimensional phenomenon, and this in services as specialized as in oncology or neurology.

But the music does not only act on the body; it also appeals to emotions, stimulates cognitive functions, facilitates sociability, or the recall of unconscious memories .


It even opens up to a spiritual (and not religious) and existential space in certain types of treatment, such as palliative care, for example.

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