The Hypno Energeticians
The Hypno Energeticians
The Hypno Energeticians

If you are in a weakened vibrational state ,
and you are looking for a solution to discover or find
your well-being , without side effects ,
So, Rebalance yourself energetically , thanks to the ...
1 M usicotherapy Frequency _ by Bioresonance _ Intuitive _
"The information presented here does not in any way replace medical advice given by a health professional."
... P hysical Z ones to R ebalance Vibrationally _ ...
If you have a physical dysfunction corresponding to those listed in these areas . ..
If you can't find what you're looking for, please let me know because this page may not have been updated yet, or if what you want to rebalance isn't in the latest data bank, I'll do a demand
to my partner RIFE CREATION LABORATORY, thank you !
For all other rebalancing , contact me because more than 350 frequencies are available , In all areas
If you're lost because of - TOO MANY CHOICES - your only solution is
06 79 40 93 52
- HEAD -
- Repeated tremors
- Craniocerebral trauma
- Loss ( Alopecia ) & R egeneration
- Lice
- Activation _ 100 % brain
- Agnosia recognition disorder
- In lzheimer
- A neurosm
- A cerebellar taxie
- Mental blocks
- M ental C oncentration
- Dopamine (Stimulation/Production)
- Encephalitis
- Encephalopathy
- Epilepsy
- P ineal G land ( Stimulation )
- Hypothalamus ( disease )
- Cerebral palsy
- Headaches
- Meningitis _
- Improved memory
- A rnold's N euralgia facial nerves
- S erotonin (Release)
- S erotonin syndrome
- Hemispheres synchronization
- Cerebral Spinal Disorder
- Cerebrovascular disorder
- Valentonin
- Dizziness
- Taste ( loss )
- B uccal lesions
- Bad Breath ( Halitosis )
- Tooth abscess
- dental caries
- Teeth ( General )
- Dental fireplaces
- Salivary glands
- Infection of teeth and gums
- P arodontal diseases
- Heaving
- Tooth /gum regeneration
- X erostomia (dry mouth)
- Prognathism
- Temporomandibular
- Angina pectoris
- A sbestosis
- Multiple system trophy
- Costochondritis
- C ostalgia - Pleuralgia
- E mphysema ( COPD - COAD )
- Gynecomastia
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- H IATAL H ernia
- Hyperventilation (Stress)
- Hypoxia ( lack of oxygen )
- Pulmonary diseases
- Respiratory diseases
- Mastitis ( Inflammation )
- Pleuresis
- General P neumonia
- Klebsiella pneumonia
- Improved Breathing
- Cervical spondylosis
- TIETZE syndrome
- FACE -
- A cariens Demodex Folliculorium
- A cne
- Acne Rosacea _ _
- Herpes
- Comedones
- Facial nerve - Diseases
- Toning - L ifting
- EYES -
- A stigma
- B lepharites
- C ataract
- Dark circles and pockets or suitcases
- C onjunctivitis
- Macular degeneration
- Eye strain
- F lotters in the eyes
- G laucoma
- Keratoconus (cornea)
- Diseases of the optic nerve
- Corneal edema
- Eagle eye
- Eye stability Pathological nystagmus
- Eyelid PTOSIS
- P terygium
- Strabismus
- Eye Disorders
- Vision disorders
- EARS -
- With tinnitus
- General infections
- O titis ( meningitis degradation )
- Meniere 's disease
- Deafness (loss of hearing)
- Ringtones
- Vestibular disorder ( balance )
- Hearing disorders
- Eustachian tube
- A denome C ervical - Lymph nodes
- Quincy 's angina
- Whiplash
- Neck pain
- Lymph nodes
- Neck orthosis
- Cervical polyp
- Cervical spondylosis
- T orticollis
- A mygdalitis
- Strangulation dysphagia
- Ganglions
- Infections (general)
- Acute aryngitis (croup )
- The arynx
- Diseases of the salivary glands
- Sore throat
- Pharyngitis
- S ialorrhoea (hypersalivation)
- Swallowing disorders
- Cough
- NOSE -
- A nosmie
- Sneezing
- H yperosmia
- Kalimann syndrome
- Rhinitis
- S unusual
- Sinus Congestion
- Vegetations
If you are concerned by one of the points stated in each zone,
downloads the audio assembly that contains the appropriate frequencies,
from the store,
Only the frequency which must act for you, will act .
The original frequency concerning the deficient organ or specificity, because having lowered its vibrational level of proper functioning, will automatically realign itself with the corresponding frequency and contained in the zone you have selected.
The lowest frequency realigns with the highest
if they have the same starting energy signature.
This is the principle of Bio resonance , without undesirable effects or counter-effects, and with the holistic side. by the assembly of frequencies corresponding to the energy center (chakra) on which the area depends!
These different " PACKS " of MALFUNCTIONS can help you build
the list to create your PERSONALIZED TREATMENT
- E ndocrine
- H ormones Imbalance
- P ituitary Stimulation
pituitary production
- H yperthyroidism
- Hypothalamus
- P inéal Normalization & Stimulation
- Parathyroid
- S alivary
- Adrenal gland ( Diseases )
- Thymus (stimulation)
- T hyroid ( Diseases )
- Hashimoto's hyroiditis
- DOS -
- Pelvis (pelvic girdle )
- Spine Pain _
- Endometriosis
- Herniated disc
- Back & Neck Ordosis
- The umbago
- Back pain in general
- O steoporosis
- muscle relaxation
- Piriform and other sciatica
- S coliosis
- Appendicitis
- B acteria
- C olic - D ysentery
- Irritable bowel
- Parasites - Worms
- Colon problems
- C onstipation
- D iarrhea - S almonella
- Abdominal pain
- F atulence & Gas
- C lostridium infections
- Food Disorders (*)
- Stomach Disorders
- (*) Yeast among others
- Œ deme
- Injury , Shoulder Pain
- Numbness (limbs)
- Nail disease
- Paresthesia
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Shaking hands
- T enosynovitis
- Calcaneal spur Fasciitis
- Healing of pain
- Hallus Valgus ( Bunions )
- BONE -
- Bone regeneration
- C alcification
- Fractures
- C artilage diseases
- O steoporosis
- General arthritis
- Arthrosis
- Articulations Rheumatism
- Injuries on the shoulder
- Bursitis (*)
- Capsulitis or frozen shoulder
- Joint pain Knees
- Pelvis - Hip pain
- Gout (swelling)
- Inflammation
- Cartilage disease
- Joint diseases
- Joint mobility
- O steophytosis
- Rheumatism
- Ehlers D anlos syndrome
- Cervical spondylosis
(*) Inflammation of the bursae. These small bags are located at the joints
- C andida Albicans 1 , 2 & 3 (*)
- C ervicitis
- Cervical cerclage
- Gyneco dysfunction
- sexual dysfunction
- Chronic Endometriosis
- Episiotomy
- U terine fibroma
- Ovarian cyst
- Cushing 's disease (**)
- Hypercorticism
- P elvic inflammation
- I nfertility
- Ovarian cyst
- Lychen Sclerosus (itch)
- Vaginal diseases
- Mastitis inflammation
- Menstrual Problems
- M yome
- Steroid estrogen
- O vulation
- P apilloma Virus
- P himosis
- UTERINE P olyp
- U terine prolapse (***)
- D roubles of the ovaries
- Bacterial vaginosis
- Epididymitis
- Gynecomastia (****)
- T orsion of the spermatic cord
- T esticular itching _
& Anal
- sexual dysfunction
- erectile dysfunction
- Gynecomastia
- Hypogonadism
- Induration of the penis
- I nfertility
- Disease of the Testicles
- Peyronie 's disease
- P himosis
- Klinefelter syndrome
- S yphilis
- T estosterone
- Hot flashes
- Anal itching
- Anal fistula
- Hemorrhoids & Fissures
- Fertility stimulation
- Papilloma virus VHP
(*) Gynecological mushroom
(**) Excess cortisol production
(***) Organ descent
( **** ) Development of a breast
- Esophageal chalasia
- o esophagitis
- E stomach in general
- Stomach - Hiatal hernia
- Stomach - Cramps & Nausea
- Goose liver
- Helicobacter Ulcer/Gastritis
- Urinary tract infections -bladder/kidneys
- S ydrome of I' small intestine
- Diseases of Pancreas
- Gallbladder disease
- P olycysts of the Kidneys
- Renal Artery Obstruction
- P ancreas - I nsulinoma
- Rate
- Acid Reflux gastro esophageal
- Kidneys - _ Adrenal Fatigue
- Alport syndrome (*)
- Dishwasher
(*) Kidney failure
- A Cerebellar taxie
- muscle relaxation
- Muscular dystrophy
- Fasciculation _
- F ibromyalgia
- Hypotension muscle weakness
- Concussion
- C ramps
- Muscle pain (*)
- Fasciculation
- Dislocations
- Jaw muscles (**)
- Muscle tonic
- Eyelid P TOSIS (***)
- Tendinopathy ( tendons )
- T orticollis
- Paralysis CHARCOT disease
- Muscle Stiffness
(*) - Ashimoto's thyroid
(**) - Joint
(***) - Blepharoptosis fall part
- A cidose ( hyperacidity )
- Food Poisoning
- A nemia
- Sickle cell anemia
- B acteries - P arasites
- Hypercoagulable clots (*)
- Blood circulation nad
- Detoxification _ (**)
- G angrene
- White blood cells myeloma (***)
- H ypercalcaemia (****)
- eukemia _
- Hodgkin 's lymphoma (*****)
- Raynaud 's disease
- Optimized O xygenation
- P orphyria
- DNA repair
- Blood platelet disorder
- T hrombocytopenia (falling platelets)
- Varicose veins
(*) T rombus
(**) Heavy metals & Toxins
(***) P roliferation of white blood cells
(****) H ypercalcemia
(*****) Hodgkin 's disease (cancer
lymphocytes )
(******) Cold fingers and toes
- A trophy multiple system
- Epilepsy
- Serotonin release
- Wave Nerf
- Sciatica
- S erotonin (production of)
- Autonomic nervous system
- Nervous disorders
- A angioma
- A rteriosclerosis
- Has therosclerosis
- Carotid Stenosis
- Œ deme
- Venous support
- Budd -Chiari syndrome
- Varicose veins
- Vasculitis
- Esophageal chalasia
- Acidosis - Hyperacidity
- Amino acid
- A scites liquid A bdomen
- With mibes
- Bacterial Intestinal
- Candidiasis / Candida Albicans (*)
- Digestion
- F latulence & G az
- Liver Diseases
- Disease of the bile ducts
- C rohn 's disease
- Celiac disease
- H elicobacterium Pylori
- Inflamed intestines (SII)
- Intestinal bacteria
- Diseases of the digestive system
- Amino acid metabolism
- S erotonin
- Disorders of the stomach
(*) Organism in the digestive tract
- SKIN -
- With facial caries (*)
- A cne
- Acne Rosacea
- A nti-septic
- Injuries
- Skin cancer _
- Healing - scar tissue
- Wound healing
- C ollagen - Construction
- Comedones (** )
- C onstruction of C ollagen
- Itching _
- Dermatitis
- E czema
- Ehlers Danlos
- E scarres
- Fascia connective tissue
- Fasciitis _
- F ibrose
- Gale
- Swelling - A ngioedema
- Granuloma
- Herpes
- H irsutism
- Histamine _ ( Capillary permeability )
- Venous insufficiency
- Dermoid cysts
- Leprosy
- L entigo - Brown spots
- Lichen planus
- Fatty tissue lipoma
- Upus _
- Cutaneous mastocytosis
- M elasma - Sun spots
- M olluscum contagiosum
- Morgellons ( psychism?)
- M ycoses Molds and fungi
- O edema
- Psoriasis
- Rejuvenation
- R egeneration
- Rosacea _
- Systemic cleroderma
- Moles ( Nevus ) Spots on Skin
- Urticaria
- Warts
- V itiligo White skin
(*) Demodex Folliculorum
(**) Blackheads on the face
Specific care available
E ach Z ONE is a Benefactor
to financial energy exchange of
Regarding the accompanying music you will have 10 pieces
of my musical assemblies and if you want a personal music of your cho i x, it is necessary for you to envisage 9 € for that if you have Access to the musical directory
( otherwise 18 € ) for Y ouTube extraction job , transformation in 432 H , formatting in 20 min ( Duration of a Treatment ) , and mixing final ... Please also send me by mail, the link Youtube matching your favorite music !

The LIBIDO ( M or F ),
... shortly !

If you are concerned by one of the points stated in each zone, download the audio assembly which contains the appropriate frequencies. Only the frequency which must act for you, will act .
The original frequency concerning the deficient organ or specificity, because having lowered its vibrational level of proper functioning, will automatically realign itself with the corresponding frequency and contained in the zone you have selected.
The lower frequency realigns with the higher if they have the same starting energy signature.
This is the principle of Bio resonance , without undesirable effects or counter-effects, and with the more holistic side by the assembly of frequencies corresponding to the energy center (chakra) on which the area depends!

Having access to this page do not understand the free treatment which is at 63 € the pack !
via the side
& Energy
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.